I'm slacking, I know, I know. But honest to Allah, this past weekend completely drained me.
Pride was awesome. Just awesome. First of all, Megan's godmother's co workers, Claudia and Shelley, are just fantastic people for taking me in for the weekend. Megan and company took a small vacation, but I decided to stay in SF since I was a little behind on work from my South Carolina trip and G-d knows I would never forgive myself if I missed Pride. So Saturday morning I went with Claudia and Shelley to one of their friend's houses for a party. This is where I got my first real look at San Francisco lesbians with partners and babies. We all know how much I love babies. I loved it. Loved it. Except for the small gay man with frosted tips who kept talking about his fear of carbs. People are so interesting.
After the party, we made our way to Dolores Park where, the day before the Pride Parade, the entire San Francisco lesbian population chills for hours before marching through the streets dancing and just being free (Dyke March). After 'bird-watching' for a few hours, Claudia and Shelley headed back to the house and I decided to hang around and do the march while waiting for Emiliano to get in the city. So I'm walking around and this woman with a shaved head approaches me and tells me how much she loves my hair. I wish with every fiber of my being I remembered her name. What I do remember is that she's an aspiring comedian and she's really not very funny, just kinda crazy. Her friend group consisted of this super blonde girl who was super friendly but completely distraught over the fact that she was too sober to not be annoyed by baldy, a short gym teacher named Minova who almost got into a physical fight with some people over shrubbery, and a much older woman named Laura who had a beard. Surprise, surprise the fact that I was nineteen was a big hoop-la to them. Laura was my favorite, we ended up walking together for most of the march and she told me a lot about the lesbian community and movement in San Francisco. People are SO interesting.
It took a bit of time and a couple taxi rides (my very first by myself!) but I managed to meet Emiliano at the house, change, and have the two of us get back to the Castro. If you don't know what the Castro is, look it up. Anyway, what happens the night before the actual parade is this thing called Pink Party, which is a party on Castro Street with music and debauchery that lasts all night. It was wild. Wildddd. Early in the night, Emiliano and I found ourselves dancing next to one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. She was clearly very close to my age and we were eye-ing the shit out of each other. BUT, I just had to be my shy self and not say anything. If you were the girl with the amazing hair and hoop earrings, you should contact me ASAP. ASAP.
Unfortunately the night ended early, when three people were shot (actually right in the area where I was eye-ing the beautiful girl, scary).
News Article Stephen Powell dated a friend of Megan's in high school. It's a sad world we live in where people think guns settle disputes.
After we walked across a good part of the city and managed to hail a cab, Emiliano and I arrived back at the house and five minutes later I was dead asleep. Out for the count.
Sunday morning, Emiliano met his friend Mya for breakfast while I went to Claudia's for a brunch she throws every pride. Favorite part of brunch: Maren, a two year old I met on Saturday, decided she really liked me all of a sudden, gave me a hugeee hug, and proceeded to plop herself in my lap and prove to me she knew the entire alphabet. When I asked her to say the alphabet backwards, I think she decided she didn't like me as much; but, I still got a giant hug goodbye. Someone give me a child.
The parade was dope, but by the afternoon I'd had enough of the techno music and the crazies. The Backstreet Boys DID perform but I decided to skip out and watch True Blood at Claudia's instead. And I'm okay with that. If you saw the amount of people that were there and were experiencing the immense pain I was feeling in my feet, you would have done the same.
After all that, it's taken me most of the week to get my life back together. It's July and I'm starting to prepare for my presentation here at the end of the month and the one in Atlanta in August. James and Jamila sat me down yesterday and asked me rapid fire questions for ten minutes. I have a lot to look over.
I can't believe I only have a month left. I'm starting to get attached to the lab (especially Ivan, he's my buddy) and I'm going to have to leave soon enough. On the bright side, I've found a place where you can creep on all the people I work with yourself --
Hereee Haha, expect a super science-y entry soon, I need to familiarize myself with this material and people probably want to finally know what I'm doing here.
So, I have these four female friends, four of my best friends ever. They couldn't all be more different, but they all have this thing in common. They are the last four people on the face of G-d's green earth who would ever, ever date anyone. I mean, there's nothing wrong with them, but for various reasons they just don't swim in the deep end of the pool. Until now. It has happened. We're one down, and she's got it bad. Don't get me wrong, I've never been happier for her in my life, but I'm just issuing a warning to you common folk. If it can happen to one, it can happen to all. Nostradamus is real people, be prepared.
On a more mature note, I've realized how much I love snail mail and I've become an expert at sending it. If you've given me your address, you best be checking your mailbox. If you want old fashioned paper/postcard love, give it to me! I'll for sure, for sure write you.
Other than that, I'm just coasting. The 4th should be good, I'm going to see Gabe (who's finally in California) in the next few days, Santa Barbara again in a week, FAMILY AND TRBJ a few days after that. Life is good.
I must go now, we're waking up in six hours to watch the Netherlands v. Brasil game at a bar before work. Hahaha. I'm going to be wearing green and yellow (Marcelo!), but it really doesn't matter who wins this game because España is going to annihilate whoever they play in the finals. Por supuesto.
love to you all- chinwe
Postscript - I just began Crepúsculo (Twilight in Español!). I need not forget everything I've learned/must be fluent next summer! Details forthcoming!